
Reset Schedule: 00:00 & 12:00 (GMT+7) Daily

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Report Server Down

Let us know if you're experiencing issues with any of our servers

Report Server Issues

Help us improve our service quality

SSH Direct SSH WebSocket OpenVPN ShadowSocks V2Ray

Please provide the server hostname or IP address that's experiencing issues

Enter the hostname or IP address of the affected server

Server Status Monitoring

At SSH Ocean, we continuously monitor our servers to ensure high availability and performance. However, sometimes issues can occur that may affect your connection. By reporting server issues, you help us identify and fix problems more quickly.

Common Server Issues

Here are some common issues you might encounter with SSH/VPN servers:

  • Connection timeout or inability to connect
  • Slow connection speeds
  • Frequent disconnections
  • Authentication failures despite correct credentials
  • Port blocking or restriction issues

What happens after you report?


1. Logging

Your report is logged in our system for tracking


2. Investigation

Our team investigates the reported server issue


3. Resolution

We resolve the issue and restore service as quickly as possible